Enable asset owners to operate smarter and safer with expert construction and maintenance solutions.
Where It All Began
We started in the 1970s specializing in landscaping and earthworks, working closely with JTC Corporation (formerly Jurong Town Corporation) on land reclamation that helped form Jurong Island. This foundational partnership paved the way for our multi-decade growth in Singapore’s industrial landscape.
Expanding Horizons
In the 1980s, we moved into large-scale infrastructure projects—most notably laying the foundation for the Changi Airport runway—and expanded our presence on Jurong Island, solidifying our expertise in complex engineering and construction works.
Marine and Offshore
During the 1990s, we broadened our marine operations—supporting vessel deployments for MINDEF exercises and collaborating with prominent industrial asset owners such as Esso in Pulau Ayer Chawan and Mobil in Pulau Pesek. This expansion also positioned us to contribute to offshore developments around Singapore’s south islands.
Civil Works on Jurong Island
Late 1990s
Building on these successes, we continued to deliver civil works on Jurong Island, partnering with major refineries and chemical giants like Shell, ExxonMobil (then Esso), and other key industry players.
These strategic partnerships have enabled us to offer a full spectrum of construction and maintenance solutions, continually adapting to the industry’s evolving demands.
Driving Tomorrow’s Solutions
Drawing on our decades of experience with energy, chemical, pharmaceutical, and elastomer producers, we remain committed to leveraging smart, efficient technologies alongside rigorous safety measures. Our firsthand insight into operational pain points and stringent requirements positions us at the forefront of industrial innovation—ensuring we consistently deliver top-tier solutions across multiple sectors.